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Following is a list of commonly used digital sources, mostly from the Netherlands and some from outside the Netherlands. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list off all used Internet sources.  

The Netherlands - general

Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (Central Bureau for Genealogy) Useful for searching family announcements and ordering "persoonskaarten" (cards with genealogical data on one person).

Digitaal Monument Joodse Gemeenschap in Nederland   (Digital Monument of the Jewish Community in the Netherlands)  This site lists all Dutch Jews who were deported and murdered during the Holocaust. Where possible the site states their family members, address, profession etc. at time of their deportation.
This site shows data from birth, marriage and death certificates from cities and towns outside of Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam.

Oorlogsgravenstichting  (War Graves
Foundation) This site lists Dutch persons who perished in the Second World War, including those who were murdered in the death camps, soldiers who fell in battle and resistance fighters who lost their lives.

Amsterdam, Den Haag en Rotterdam


Ashkenazi Amsterdam in the Eighteenth Century  This is a partial list of the Ashkenazi Jewish inhabitants of Amsterdam in the 18th century, as collected by Moshe Mossel of Jerusalem. It contains the family relations as he reconstructed them. It contains around two thirds of the entire community and is constantly updated with additional material.

Begraven-verloven vanaf 1834 tot 1954 (Burial Permissions from 1834 till 1954) Concerns the Diemen, Muiderberg and Zeeburg cemeteries.  This site offers data from  the "Registry of Burial Permissions for Burial on a Jewish Cemetery by the Jewish Community of Amsterdam".  Includes the so-called 'Rijenboeken' of the Muiderberg Cemetery in Amsterdam.  Collected by Dave Verdooner.

Beth-Haim  Burial cards of the Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish Community concerning the Ouderkerk a/d Amstel cemetery. These detailed burial cards often list complete families.

Bevolkingsregister (Population Registry) of the Jews living in Amsterdam in the period of 1851 till 1853, occasionally updated till 1855, and partly dating even up to 1864 (supplement documents).
This data was digitalized and checked between 1992 and 2005 by dozens of volunteers, supervised by Dave Verdooner.  

Huwelijken gesloten bij de Joodse Gemeente Amsterdam (N.I.H.S.) tussen 6 juli 1834 en 30 december 1937.  (Marriages that took place in the Jewish Community of Amsterdam between July 6, 1834 and December 30, 1937). Based on research by Dave Verdooner on available material.

Stadsarchief Amsterdam Archiefbank.  (Amsterdam City Archives)  On this site one can search online for a.o. "Archive Cards", "Family Cards" and "Market Cards". There is a fee for ordering scans of these documents.

The Hague 

Haags Gemeentearchief    (The Hague City Archives) Birth, marriage and death certificates


Rotterdam gemeentearchie   (Rotterdam City Archives)

Additional links ordered by Dutch Provinces

Province of Drenthe

Drenlias  Data from birth, marriage and death certificates, sometimes with more details than the Genlias database (see above).  

Digitaal Joods Monument Meppel  (Digital Jewish Monument of Meppel)  Lists data on families that lived in the town of Meppel, just before, during and after the Second World War.  

Province of Friesland

Fries Historisch en Letterkundig Centrum Tresoar   (Historic and Literary Center of Friesland)

Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden (Historic Center of the city of Leeuwarden)

Province of Gelderland

Streekarchief Bommelerwaard  (Regional Archives Bommelwaard)  Concerns the town of Zaltbommel and surroundings. Offers original certificates and civil registries. 

Streekarchief Noord-west Veluwe (Regional Archives North-West Veluwe)  Concerns the towns of Elburg, Ermelo, Hardewijk, Nunspeet,  Oldebroek.

Province of Groningen

Groninger archiefnet   including the original birth, marriage and death certificates of the town of  Appingedam.

Historie Joods Groningen (History of Jewish Groningen)  Contains information on the Jewish cemeteries in the city of Groningen.

Province of Limburg

no links

Province of Noord-Brabant

Bergen op Zoom   

Brabants Historisch Informatie Centrum  Data on the whole province of Noord - Brabant

Breda and surrounding areas. City Archives of Breda.

Den Bosch  City Archives of  's-Hertogenbosch



Tilburg  Regional Archives

West Brabant including Willemstad,  Zevenbergen

Province of Noord-Holland

Alkmaar  Family cards

Kennemerland Digitale stamboom including Beverwijk, Bloemendaal, Haarlem and Zandvoort. Partly original certificates.

Province of Overijssel

Almelo Original marriage and death certificates.

Hengelo Original certificates from population registries.

Province of Utrecht

Amersfoort  Eemland Archives with original birth, marriage and death certificates.

Zuid-Oost Utrecht  including Rhenen

Province of Zeeland

Zeeuws archief  (Archives of Zeeland)

Outside of the Netherlands


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